Birthday Wishes for Sister — Short, Emotional & Funny
Heartfelt Birthday Wishes for Sister

Heartfelt Birthday Wishes for Sister

Sisters are for life, whether they are in our good books or mischievous as imps. Take it or leave it, one of the most beautiful relationships you can ever have in life is that formed with a sister who loves and cares about you in spite of all your shortcomings. Her birthday is another opportunity to shower her with pleasant wishes and to also remind her value to your life. So, dive into the samples of birthday wishes for sister below for the inspiration to write yours. Remember, love can make even the simplest of your wishes carry wonderful meanings with them.


Happy Birthday Wishes For Sister

Happy Birthday Wishes For Sister

1: You are a great sister to me, one who has stood by me through the thick and thin. Daily, I ask God to keep you alive and healthy to reap the fruit of your labor of love. Happy birthday.

2: One in a million, treasurable and loving are you. A thousand magical words will fail to describe the beauty of your personality. Happy birthday, sis.

3: You brought light into my life when you didn’t have to. You gave up on your dreams just to give me stability in a confusing world. Sis, I owe you a million thanks and more for all that you have sacrificed in the name of love. Happy birthday.

4: Immense blessings don’t just end with the wealth of our material acquisitions. Having a sister as dear as you are is a tremendous blessing of its class. Happy birthday.

5: Sissy, I can vividly remember how often we fought over trivial issues as teenagers. What we didn’t know was that we would end up becoming the best of buddies. Happy birthday. Enjoy your day.

6: Thank you for your words of advice that saw me making solid decisions for good success. You’re truly the best, sis. Happy birthday.

7: I believe in you even if I don’t say it often. You have my full support in all that you’ll desire to be. Happy birthday.

8: Time has proven to be incapable of waiting for me to recount the many ways your presence has positively influenced my life. On your birthday today, may heaven shower you with blessings too innumerable to keep track of.

9: You light up your world with your hopeful attitude for living. I don’t know if there’s anyone I have met with the much good energy you possess. Happy birthday, darling sis.

10: There are beautiful women all over the world but not many radiate the beauty of the heart which you are capable of. Sis, you are the reason I strive to be the best of me. Happy birthday.

11: To my sister who means the world to me, happy birthday.

12: Life and all that pertain to it are incomplete without the loving presence of our dear ones. I am glad that you are a part of me, sis. Happy birthday.

13: In addition to your kind heart you are a seasoned cook. It is no surprise that you are invaluable to your husband and kids. Happy birthday, sister.

Short Birthday Wishes For Sister

Short Birthday Wishes For Sister

14: Blood alone didn’t make us sisters; love contributed to that. Happy birthday.

15: I wouldn’t want to dwell on many words to wish you a beautiful birthday celebration. You are much loved.

16: I didn’t believe that true love existed until nature brought you into my life. Happy birthday, sweet sis.

17: Sis, wherever you are now, I want you to know that I can never stop loving you. Happy birthday.

18: Happy birthday to the prettiest lady our family makes boast of. I love you, sis.

19: No matter what happens to our lives in time to come, you will always be my super sister. Happy birthday.

20: Whenever I remember that I have a loving person as my sister, my head swells with pride. Truly, we are sisters forever. Happy birthday.

21: Happy birthday, beautiful. I pray that you enjoy your special day, freely given to you by God.

Emotional Birthday Wishes For Sister

Emotional Birthday Wishes For Sister

22: Happy birthday, kid sis. I don’t mind writing an epistle to celebrate the woman you have become. Indeed, you surprise me with the level of maturity you have attained. I am certain that, in this your new age, you shall record outstanding mental development.


23: Do you have any wishes? Now is the time to make them known because I have already petitioned heaven to respond favorably for your pleasure. Happy birthday.

24: I am not afraid of the distance that exists between us because I know that our bond is too strong to be weakened by miles. Happy birthday, loveliest sis.

25: Nothing is more liberating than to live happily without being under the criticism of a sibling. It is a gift I cherish a lot in our relationship as siblings. Happy birthday, sis.

26: You deserve to be cared for, pampered and swept off your feet today because your birthday is worth celebrating in a grand way. Happy birthday, honey.

27: I love it when you call me at the close of work to find out how I fared. Sis, you are an embodiment of care and I pray that you will have no cause to get sorrowful in life. Happy birthday.

28: With or without being asked, you make yourself available for service. Notwithstanding our age difference, we’ve become more of best friends than sisters. Have a fun-filled birthday celebration.

29: Time has really expanded on the definition of sisterhood to us. Even without mentioning it, it is obvious ours has been a blessing all along. Joyous birthday, sis.

30: For all the times you tolerated my excesses, for shielding me from the ugly pellets of criticism with the strength of your love, and for seeing the flower in me when I felt like dry grass, thank you from my heart. Happy birthday, special one.

31: It is rare to have someone play the roles of a mother, sister, confidante, and mentor flawlessly. That is why each time I refer to you as priceless, heaven always bears me witness that you are. Happy birthday, sis. Men shall celebrate you.

32: We didn’t have a choice in who our sister would be. But we made a choice to be the best of sisters to each other. Happy birthday, my dearest sis.

33: In the face of challenges and the billows of trials, stay reminded that you will emerge victorious. I am counting on you, sis. Happy birthday.

34: If people are to be wealthy based on how good they are, you will be the wealthiest woman in your generation. That notwithstanding, you are the wealthiest in my eyes. Happy birthday, sis.

35: I am blessed to be associated with a brilliant soul like you. Through the years of your academic pursuit, you’ve distinguished yourself as a formidable force to be reckoned with. I am proud of you, sis. Happy birthday.

36: Ever since you left home, it hasn’t been the same over here. I really miss your endless chattering and mischievous pranks. Happy birthday, sis. Hoping to see you soonest.

37: Happy birthday, love. May the Lord protect you. May His mercies find you in your mistakes, and may He crown all your efforts with tremendous success.

38: We started off as rivals, continued as allies, and are ending as bosom friends. We owe it all to love and understanding. Happy birthday, sis.

39: When I needed a shoulder to lean on, you didn’t think twice before giving two to me. You have a pure heart, sis. Happy birthday.

Funny Birthday Wishes For Sister

Funny Birthday Wishes For Sister

40: Happy birthday, sis. By the way, you are beautiful; hope you know that?

41: Your soft eyes have the power to weaken any hardened criminal. Where did you get them from, sis? I think I know where I can make good use of them. Happy birthday.

42: Excellent is when you have a sister who cares about what people could say about her. Superb is when she spends her pocket money on the latest fashionable items in the market. Annoying is when she starts preaching to you to not be like her. I just wonder! Happy birthday all the same.

43: Little devil, your birthday is here and trending. With all your restless happiness, I earnestly pray that we will all make it out of today alive. Happy birthday though.

44: Happy birthday, sis. If I had the keys to the treasure room of ancient kings, I would have become rich without you. How luxurious life would be!

45: I’ve planned to eat half of your birthday cake to express how happy I am to witness your birthday this year. Compensating for last year’s also.

46: You were such a thorn in my flesh that I could have broken you into two instead of your favorite doll. All that is in the past now been though I remembered it. Happy birthday, sis. I love you.


Written by Antonio Webb

Dreamer, thinker and writer who is still exploring the nuances of being a human in this world. When not writing or sleeping I keep myself busy in the aromas of the ingredients that I like to cook up for a delicious meal.