Overseas Student Scholarships
Overseas Student Scholarships

Overseas Student Scholarships

Studying abroad is an enriching and transformative experience that allows students to gain a global perspective, expand their knowledge, and foster cross-cultural understanding. However, pursuing education in a foreign country can be financially challenging for many students and this is why they need overseas student scholarships. Scholarships for international students have emerged as a crucial means of support, making education more accessible and empowering talented individuals from around the world to pursue their dreams.


In this blog post, we will provide a comprehensive guide on overseas student scholarships. We will discuss the importance of studying abroad, the financial challenges faced by students, and the various types of scholarships available to help alleviate these costs. By understanding the eligibility criteria, requirements, and application deadlines for each scholarship, students can overcome financial barriers and embark on a global education journey.

Our guide will cover topics such as need-based scholarships and grants, scholarship application tips, finding scholarships and financial aid, and writing a scholarship essay. We will also provide examples of popular scholarships and grants, as well as tips on how to write compelling essays and applications. By following our guide, students can increase their chances of securing the desired scholarship and making their study abroad dreams a reality.

Need-based Scholarships and Grants for Overseas Students

Need-based scholarships and grants are awarded primarily or exclusively based on the applicant’s financial needs. Unlike merit-based scholarships, which are awarded for academic, athletic, or artistic excellence, need-based aid is intended to support students who demonstrate exceptional financial need. These scholarships and grants play a vital role in making higher education more accessible to students from diverse economic backgrounds.

One prominent example of a need-based scholarship is the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship, which aims to support students with limited financial means to study or intern abroad. This scholarship provides funding for undergraduate students to pursue international study experiences and is open to students of various disciplines and backgrounds. The Gilman Scholarship is a well-known and highly regarded program that has enabled numerous students to engage in valuable global learning opportunities.

When applying for need-based scholarships and grants, it is essential for students to understand the specific eligibility criteria and application process. Typically, applicants are required to demonstrate their financial need through various documentation, such as income statements, tax returns, or FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) submissions. Additionally, students may need to provide personal statements or essays that articulate their financial circumstances and the impact of receiving the scholarship on their educational pursuits.

Tips to Consider When Applying for Overseas Student Scholarships

When applying for scholarships, it is crucial to invest quality time and effort into the application process. According to the University of Oregon, rushed applications can appear sloppy and incomplete, potentially diminishing the chances of securing a scholarship. For instance, Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship, a need-based scholarship, requires applicants to articulate their financial situation and the impact of the scholarship on their educational pursuits. Therefore, dedicating ample time to understand the requirements and craft a compelling application is essential for success.

In addition to the application itself, the essay component holds significant weight in the selection process. Scholarship committees often receive numerous applications and essays, making it imperative for applicants to stand out. To achieve this, applicants should tell their unique stories while adhering to the essay prompts. For example, the National Society of High School Scholars emphasizes the importance of being specific, creative, and standing out from the crowd in scholarship essays. By following these guidelines, applicants can effectively communicate their individuality and the impact of the scholarship on their academic and personal growth.

Furthermore, understanding common scholarship essay prompts and how to approach them is integral to crafting compelling essays. For instance, applicants may encounter prompts related to their career goals, leadership experiences, or the reasons for pursuing a specific field of study. The University of Oregon advises applicants to think carefully about the question being asked and to use the opportunity to tell their unique stories. By addressing the prompts thoughtfully and authentically, applicants can effectively convey their aspirations, experiences, and the significance of the scholarship in realizing their educational and professional ambitions.


How to Find Overseas Student Scholarships and Financial Aid 

Finding scholarships, grants, and financial aid programs is a crucial step in securing financial support for your education. To maximize your chances of success, consider the following strategies and tips:

1. Narrow down your search: Start by focusing on local and state scholarships, then gradually expand your search to national opportunities.

2. Look with your major: Many scholarships are specific to certain majors or fields of study. Utilize free scholarship aggregate websites to find opportunities related to your intended major.

3. Consider your demographics: Some scholarships are designed for specific groups, such as women, minorities, or first-generation college students. Make a list of your demographic characteristics to help narrow down your search.

4. Ask for recommendations: Speak with your high school guidance counselor, friends, and family about scholarship opportunities they know of.

5. Use online search engines: Websites like College Raptor, College Greenlight, and Going Merry offer comprehensive scholarship search engines.

6. Expand your search beyond university-specific funding: Look for external funding sources, such as non-profit organizations, cultural exchange programs, and government scholarships.

7. Check local libraries: Libraries often have scholarship books and resources available for students.

8. Be cautious of scams: Be aware of scholarship scams and never provide credit card information or personal details to unverified sources.

9. Keep looking: The more you search, the greater your chances of finding additional programs. Remember to stay organized and maintain a list of potential scholarships and their deadlines.

By following these strategies and tips, you can increase your chances of finding and securing the financial aid you need to pursue your education abroad.

Writing Your Scholarship Essay

Writing a scholarship essay is a crucial component of the scholarship application process. A well-written essay can make a significant difference in securing financial aid for your education. Scholarship committees read hundreds or even thousands of essays, so it is essential to make your essay stand out. A well-written essay can demonstrate your unique qualities, experiences, and aspirations, making you a strong candidate for the scholarship.

To write a strong scholarship essay, it is important to follow a few key steps. First, read the scholarship essay prompt and instructions carefully. Make sure you understand the requirements and expectations of the scholarship committee. Next, create an outline for your essay. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure that your essay flows logically. Start writing your essay early, so you have time to revise and edit it before the deadline.

To make your essay stand out to the scholarship committee, consider the following tips. Open your essay with a hook that captures the reader’s attention and makes them want to keep reading. Prioritize basic writing skills, such as grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Keep your essay descriptive yet concise, and be honest and professional in your writing. Be creative and let your individual voice shine through. Finally, stand out from the rest by telling your unique story and demonstrating your passion and enthusiasm for your topic.

When writing a scholarship essay, it is also important to understand common scholarship essay prompts and how to approach them. Some common prompts include “Tell us about yourself,” “What are your academic and/or career goals,” and “Why do you deserve this scholarship.” To answer these prompts effectively, be specific and use examples to illustrate your points. Show, don’t tell, and use your essay to demonstrate your unique qualities and experiences.


The benefits of studying abroad on a scholarship are numerous and impactful. Scholarships provide students with the opportunity to immerse themselves in diverse cultures, acquire new languages, and develop a fresh perspective on the world. Additionally, studying abroad on a scholarship can assist students in developing crucial life skills, including independence, flexibility, and international communication. It is evident that a study abroad scholarship is an incredible opportunity for students to expand their horizons and gain valuable international experience. Therefore, I encourage students to explore and apply for overseas student scholarships, as these opportunities can be transformative and enriching, both academically and personally.

Studying abroad offers students the chance to experience new perspectives, learn how to navigate different cultures, work with diverse peers, and communicate in other languages. By pursuing international education, students can build skills and knowledge, prepare to solve the world’s toughest challenges, and compete in the 21st-century workforce. Finally, the value of studying abroad extends beyond academic and professional growth. It also offers the opportunity to become a responsible, engaged citizen and a future global leader, equipped to thrive in a fast-changing world. Therefore, I encourage students to consider the numerous benefits of studying abroad and the opportunities it presents for personal, academic, and professional development.
