Reasons Why I Love You — Funny
95 Awesome Reasons Why I Love You

95 Awesome Reasons Why I Love You

It does sound like a prank to be asked by a loved one why you love them. Because really, there is no ready answer for loving someone – it is a heart matter, usually independent of tangible reasons. But deep down you, there should be an answer or more to the question, “Why do you love me?” So, if you are bold enough to search out a reason for your devotion and fondness for your object of affection, the Reasons Why I Love You below are here to guide you.

Reasons Why I Love You

Reasons Why I Love You

1: I love you because you encourage me to be the best version of me.

2: I love you because you make life easy with your warm smiles and generosity.

3: I love you because you always give me 100% of your support in whatever project I embark upon.

4: I love you because you call me daily to check up on me.

5: I love you because you search my thoughts out even when I tell you everything is fine.

6: I love you because you keep check of my moods to know when I am happy or sad.

7: I love you because you hate it when I am moody.

8: I love you because you ensure that nothing worries me while you are with me.

9: I love you because I find confidence and relaxation in your presence.

10: I love you because when you kiss me, it goes straight to my heart to bring me succor and warmth.

11: I love you because you are open with your support for my life aspirations.

12: I love you because you let people know how proud of me you are.

13: I love you because you take good care of our kids by doing all you can to buy them all they need for school and studies.

14: You have a nurturing spirit.

15: I love you because you are selfless in your service to humanity.

Reasons Why I Love You

16: I love you because you are on the lookout for the good I do, and do not focus on my flaws.

17: I love you because I can tell you anything without the fear of being judged.

18: I love you because you stand for me and against people who bully me.

19: I love you because you put your family’s welfare at the top of your list of priorities.

20: I love you because you hardly demand for repayment in your acts of benevolence to your friends.

21: I love you because you are career-driven.

22: I love you because you are goal-oriented.

23: I love you because your everyday attitude depicts that you are not a doormat.

24: I love you because you are kind to animals.

25: I love you because you value every little effort I make to make our relationship work. 

26: I love you because you are witty.

27: I love you because you don’t hesitate to offer your shoulders for me to lean on in stormy times.

28: I love you because you are accommodating and forgiving.

29: I love you because you strive to be honest in all your dealings with me.

30: I love you because you have a pair of lovely eyes.

31: I love you because you lift me up with your kind words whenever I am depressed.

32: I love you because you believe in me.

33: I love you because you trust me implicitly and it amazes me.

Reasons Why I Love You

34: I love you because you are a great mom to our babies.

35: I love you because you show contentment with what you have.

36: I love you because you have a genuine love for the elderly. 

37: I love you because you are peace-loving and are willing to let go of issues just for peace to reign between us.

38: I love you because you are a man of your words.

39: I love you because you don’t abuse or insult me no matter how angry you are.

40: I love you because I am comfortable being with you.

41: I love you because you are supersmart and creative.

42: I love you because you are a spiritual person.

43: I love you because you are respectful and loyal.

44: I love you because you are more interested in the unity of our home than in likely controversies that may arise.

45: I love you because you are soft-spoken but firm once you take a decision.

46: I love you because you are someone I can rely on and be sure that I won’t be disappointed.

47: I love you because I can count on you to keep my secrets.

48: Your relentless spirit motivates me to aspire for greatness.

49: I love you because you are the only woman who understands my quirkiness and still loves me wholeheartedly.

Reasons Why I Love You

50: I love you because you always hold my hand in the public place not minding what people will think or say about it.

51: I love you because you are a strong woman.

52: I love you because you hate injustice and advocate fairness in the treatment of workers.

53: I love you because you are passionate about life.

54: I love you because you have never questioned my motives when I want to undertake any task, for you understand that it will be a profitable venture.

55: I love you because you are fond of my parents.

56: I love you because you are kind to a fault.

57: I love you because you have an insatiable quest for knowledge.

58: I love you because you are comfortable in your skin.

59: I love you because you don’t compare me with anybody. In fact, you praise me like I am the best.

60: I love you because you provide for my needs even without my telling you.

61: I love you because you respect other’s opinions and do not impose your decisions on me.

62: I love you because you are quick to understand me though I hardly express myself in words.

63: I love you because you are gentle as well as have a dark sense of humor.

64: I love you because you oppose wrongdoings and uphold the truth at all times.

Funny Reasons Why I Love You

Funny Reasons Why I Love You

65: I love you because your body curves are perfect and in their right places.

66: I love you because you love ending our arguments with wet kisses.

67: I love you because you are a psychedelic dancer.

68: I love you because you cry whenever we are going on our separate ways after school.

69: I love you because you can cook my favorite meal.

70: I love you because you are a skilled mind reader.

71: I love you because you are obsessed with food.

72: I love you because we share the same passion for music.

73: I love you because you are good at feigning sleep so that you can avoid any late-night chat with me.

74: I love you because you are dark and beautiful.

75: I love you because you are as fair as the morning sun.

76: I love you because you are a vegan.

77: I love you because you are a fast and furious driver.

78: I love you because you have never given up on calculus even though it is tired of your repeated failures at getting it right.

79: I love you because you are addicted to sharing your snacks with birds anytime you are in the park.

80: I love you because you have pearly teeth and you don’t make an effort to hide them behind your lips.

81: I love you because you easily forgive me when I fart on your face.

82: I love you because you are conscious of your personal hygiene.

83: I love you because you are cool in public but loud at home.

84: I love you because you hate clubbing as much as I love it.

85: I love you because you bite your nails with attitude.

Funny Reasons Why I Love You

86: I love you because you are a daredevil.

87: I love you because you are a deep sleeper for it gives me the room to be stealing from you easily.

88: I love you because you have a hard countenance and a soft heart.

89: I love you because you are only truthful when you want to get something from me.

90: I love you because you pretend that you don’t love me but deep inside, you are crazy about me.

91: I love you because you like hiking as much as I do.

92: I love you because you are blunt with the truth.

93: I love you because you are a techie.

94: I love you because you sing me to sleep each time I have nightmares.

95: I love you because you are hard to convince but easy to lure with tears.

Written by Cristina Mari Arreola

Cristina Mari Arreola is the Senior Books Editor at Hackstrive, where she writes about literary fiction, nonfiction, young adult novels, romance novels,