Emotional Thank You Messages For Birthday Wishes — Friends & Funny
Emotional Thank You Messages For Birthday Wishes

Emotional Thank You Messages For Birthday Wishes

The birthday is gone, and you had the time of your lifetime. The best part about it was the love you felt from the people who sent you happy birthday messages. It was such a good feeling to know people care and remember your birthday. You plan to also send them messages on their respective birthdays, without fail. It will be great to do so when that time comes.

But right now, there is one thing you should do immediately. That is sending thank you messages to them for not forgetting your big day. I know composing messages for all those people is a chore. One you want to postpone but take easy because we have composed thank you messages to suit everyone. Read on and check them out. 

Emotional Thank You Messages For Birthday Wishes

Emotional Thank You Messages For Birthday Wishes

1: Let me start by saying sorry that I forgot your birthday last month. It was, therefore, such a pleasant surprise to see that you remembered mine and took the trouble to send me a birthday wish. Thank you so much.

2: My birthday could not have been complete without a message from you. You mean so much for me, and your birthday wish was the “icing on the cake” for my big day. Thank you so much.

3: My birthday made me realize that you are such a valuable part of my life. I would like to say thank you for the role you played and that I appreciate you so much. The time I spent with you on my day was the best part of the whole party.

4: What made my birthday extra special is not the fact that you were a big crowd. It is the fact that each of you means so much to me and are so valuable to my whole existence. Thank you for reminding me that I have you to always lean on.

5: What would I do without you guys? If it wasn’t for you, I would have spent a boring day all by myself. But thanks to you I had a great day that will last me until my next birthday.

6: The best part of my birthday was having all you people showering me with love. There is no better feeling than being surrounded by people who truly want to see you happy. Thank you so much guys, for making my birthday memorable.

7: I have always been an introvert, and I sincerely never thought you all cared. That surprise was the best thing that has happened to me since I was born. Thank you so much for remembering my birthday and making if fantastic.

8: My birthday was supposed to be full of laughter. However, I found myself weeping uncontrollably, but I have no regrets. You brought tears of joy into my life on my birthday by showing me that you sincerely care. Thank you so much.

9: Your words and your love really lifted me on my birthday. There might not have been gifts, but your loving and caring words did to me much than any gift would ever. Thank you so much.

10: I could seek consolation in my nice job or beautiful house. But over time, I have come to realize that all those things do not matter. What really counts is the relationships you build. Thank you for being my friends and for your wishes on my birthday. It is the only thing that truly stood out to me.

11: I expected my birthday to be a quiet, lonely affair, but you turned it into a fun, exciting day. The memories of that day in your loving company will forever be etched in my mind. Thank you so much.

Thank You Birthday Message To Family And Friends

Thank You Birthday Message To Family And Friends

12: My love, I know you are exceptional. But on my birthday you became even more special for the way you made me feel. Only you can make me feel that way. Thank you so much.

13: Dear loving mom. Despite all the things you have already done in my life and continue to do every day, you really outdid yourself on my birthday. I thought I had seen all your goodness, but this was on another level. Thank you so much, and I know I am so lucky to have you.

14: You are the best family, guys. More than I could ever ask for. Thank you so much for making me feel so important and special on my birthday. You are such a great gang. I am so lucky to call you family.

15: Whoever said, “a royal sister is worth a thousand friends” must have met you. Even if you were the only person who turned up for my birthday, I would still have been happy. I am so glad that you always make your world revolve around mine and for your undying love. Thanks for making my birthday so unique and fun.

16: You are a cousin who is closer than a sibling. You make every business of mine yours. Were it not for your presence on my birthday, it would not have been as fun as it was. Thank you so much for being the life of the party.

17: Sometimes I forget you are my brother. You are so close and caring to me. You are more like a parent. Everyone brought me a gift, but your thoughtful gift will be with me forever. Thank you so much for making the day genuinely worthwhile.

18: I have no regrets about being a dad’s girl. Dad, you never cease to surprise me. I thought I always had figured out what gift you were going to give me, but you beat me to it with your surprise. Had you even not given me any gift, I would still be proud to have you. Thanks, dad.

19: What a bunch of friends! What would I do without you guys? The way you take over all my events leaves me assured that I will never walk alone. Thanks for being my second family and making my birthday what dreams are made of.

20: You made my birthday a day like no other. A combination of genuine love spent with the people I care about the most. I felt so lucky to receive your affection. Thank you all so much.

21: My world is made more meaningful because you are a part of it. Every year without fail, I always know without a doubt that I will not be alone on my birthday. I do not take that for granted, and I want to thank you for your care and commitment.

22: Despite being thousands of miles away, you made a point to send me birthday wishes. I sincerely thought you wouldn’t remember. Of all the wishes I received, yours truly stood out and meant so much to me. Thank you.

23: Thank you for taking time off your busy schedule and demanding life to send me heartfelt birthday wishes. You are so selfless, and your message meant so much to me. You are an amazing human being and a treasured friend to me.

Funny Thank You Messages For The Birthday Wishes

Funny Thank You Messages For The Birthday Wishes

24: I would love to say thank to everyone who remembered to send your birthday wishes to me. I was so mad for all who forgot to say even a single word, but luckily for them, they are forgiven because I don’t want to ruin the great memories I made.

25: I was supposed to spend the day feeling a little bit older. But thanks to you all I forgot all about old and had the best time of my life. Thanks for making my birthday so fantastic.

26: Thank you for all turning up for my birthday. The day was made so unique and lively by food and dance. I would like to let you all know that I have booked you to dance at my wedding too. All that dancing cannot go to waste. Thank you all so much.

27: I must say you didn’t expect any less from you guys. Thank you so much because you scored highly in my eyes. I am so blessed to have you all in my life.

28: Thank you guys so much for giving me such a fantastic time. Now, to the ones who brought substandard gifts, you know yourselves. Unfortunately for you, I also know you and next year I will be watching!

29: I love surprises, and I am so glad you hid all this from me so well. I only wish I could say it was a pleasant surprise, but you nearly gave me a heart attack. But I bet that’s what makes it truly outstanding. Thanks for surprising me on my birthday.

30: Growing old is terrible. You don’t even have to hide and shout happy birthday when I walk in the door. All you have to do is come with your gifts and tell me happy birthday, and that’s when I remember it’s my birthday. Thank you for never failing to turn up and make it special for me.

Written by Cristina Mari Arreola

Cristina Mari Arreola is the Senior Books Editor at Hackstrive, where she writes about literary fiction, nonfiction, young adult novels, romance novels,