Romantic Proposal Messages — Sweet, Love & Best
Romantic Proposal Messages

Romantic Proposal Messages

Falling in love with someone is one thing; growing in love with them is another. You know why? That’s because growing in love with someone requires their approval. And that can only be done through a romantic proposal message. Unless you belong to the caveman’s age, proposing to your lover – to either be your boy/girlfriend or spouse, is a necessity. Most expectedly, you need courage and beautiful lines such as the ones below, to make an impressive proposal. Ready to give it a shot? Let’s go there!

Romantic Proposal Messages

Romantic Proposal Messages

1: If there are moments in my life I so cherish more than others, they are the ones I spent thinking about you. For all I know, I wish to not just be thinking about you, but also to make you mine. Will you be my girlfriend?

2: The day fate brought us together became the turning point of my life. Ever since then, everything I do is inspired for your pleasure. My prayer and hope is that you remain an intricate part of me. So, that brings me to the important question of the hour: will you marry me?

3: It is easy to find someone attractive and fall helplessly in love with them. But to find someone to rise and fall with while enjoying the ride together is nearly difficult. I don’t take your loyalty for granted. Standing on a million and one reasons for loving you, I want to ask you to be mine forever.

4: When the sun shines, it does that without considering whose body it is heating up. When you smile, you own the world around you; even your haters aren’t exempted. And that’s what turns me on about you. It is my heartfelt desire that you would become my boyfriend to be a part of the reason why you smile so charmingly.

5: Loving you is the best decision I made for my heart. Learning about your dos and don’ts is an honor to my soul, and making you my wife is the sweetest gift I can present to my body. Will you marry me?

6: You caught my eyes in the midst of a thousand that flocked the city, an experience that I still cherish to this day. Of a truth, if I never gave you the chase, my life could have still been in the rut. Today, I want to make another dramatic decision for my life; babe, marry me, please.

7: I wouldn’t promise you heaven and earth, but I have the only thing precious to me to give you. And that’s my heart. Will you accept my heart of love as my boyfriend?

Sweet Proposal Messages

Sweet Proposal Messages

8: Beyond people randomly commenting on how good we look together, I am confident that we will make each other happy and fulfilled. Will you be my husband?

9: Sincerely, I can’t thank you enough for still believing in me even when the chips were down for me. Now I am back to my feet, I won’t hesitate to ask you this; will you be my wife?

10: Back then when I was younger and freer, love was a fleeting concept that made little sense. But all that is in the past because I have become a grown woman nurtured in your practical love for me. I will be happy to spend my forever with you.

11: If my mind can develop a picture for every time I think about you, your entire community and mine will be flooded with your pictures. That’s how much I am addicted to you, baby. Please, make me a happy man by being my girlfriend.

12: Among all the women I have been privileged to interact with, you stand out. Your heart of gold makes you special. Everything you do for those you care about bears a golden touch. I don’t want you to be in my history; everyday with you is my heart desire. Will you be my girl?

13: Life happens in seasons and time. So do people we meet. In my opinion, I have known you through many seasons of my life, and time has proven you my true friend. In all that I yearn for, I want you to be the reason God made me a man. Thus I request: will you be my wife?

Love Proposal Messages

Love Proposal Messages

14: I have searched as much as is humanly possible for someone who will understand and take me for who I am. Needless to say, heaven has favored me by bringing me to you. I don’t want to live the rest of my life imagining me without you. Darling, will you marry me?

15: It takes patience to get to the zenith of an aspiration. It takes faith to move mountains. To have you as mine, it starts with this courageous request: will you take my hand and keep it with you forever?

16: Your love is like a costly fragrance that encircles my life with its richness. It refreshes and attracts favor to me. For all I care, I want to bask in the euphoria of your love all the days of my life. Will you grant me the honor of making you mine lawfully?

17: Friendship with you is a blessing in all ramifications. To put it simply, I have no regrets about being your girlfriend. And I am sure I won’t regret my decision to ask you this day to be my husband.

18: When everything around me turns chaotic, the strength of your love steadies me. When I am bereft of hope for tomorrow, your tender care becomes all the light that I need. If I have found favor in your sight, will you marry me?

19: I wasn’t searching for love when our paths crossed. In other words, we found love at the most unlikely situation. But today, I choose to make the intentional decision to make you mine, forever and a day more.

20: You are an epitome of living joy; even inanimate objects seem to have a life of their own in your presence. I have been thinking of late: if the opportunity to marry you passes me by, I am nothing but a fool. And I don’t want that for myself, ever. Marry me, sweetheart.

Best Lines To Propose A Girl

Best Lines To Propose A Girl

21: Nothing is everlasting but love shared. Indeed, if I have you in my life, forever will be too short a time spent with you. I will be honored to marry you.

22: While many move from one point to another in their bid to make a firm decision for love, it is the easiest one to do for me. That’s because I have no misgivings that we will be happy together as man and wife.

23: In the areas I am weak, your love shows up strong. Whenever the need for comfort arose, my shoulder provided it for you. We are partners in all that pertain to growth and success. So, let’s make us official in holy matrimony.

24: The difference between me and the next man is the You factor. You have spiced up my life; I am now the envy of many. You are the priceless treasure that I have found, and I want to seal my commitment to keep you with this proposal: will you marry me?

25: As much as the hairs on my head are uncountable so are my reasons for loving you. I don’t want to ever let you go. Therefore, I want you to be my girlfriend.

26: Love is all that matters when all has been said and done. It is my wish that I spend the rest of my life, loving you the best way I can. Will you marry me?

27: You are like medicine to me to sustain life and cure ailments. If I lose you, a vital part of me will be gone. So, I am going to take the chance to ask you to be my wife.

28: When I first met you, I thought to myself, “She’s the one!” Even though I had barely known you then, my spirit was at peace with that thought. Now, I want to make my dream come true by asking you to be my wife.

29: I have come to the conclusion that I desire you to be the wife of my youth, and yours to be the womb that will carry our kids. Will you do me the honor of being my wife?

30: Everything happens for a reason including our love story. We have weathered many storms together, and have seen the best of times as a team. I entreat you today to stay with by me forever as my loving wife.

31: It didn’t take me long before I realized that you are the yin to my yang, the lone piece that completes my me. Definitely, that realization amounts to nothing if I don’t take serious steps to make you mine for the rest of my life.

Written by Antonio Webb

Dreamer, thinker and writer who is still exploring the nuances of being a human in this world. When not writing or sleeping I keep myself busy in the aromas of the ingredients that I like to cook up for a delicious meal.