Sorry Messages For Your Boyfriend — Sweet, Heart Touching & Romantic
Most Sweetest Sorry Messages For Boyfriend

Most Sweetest Sorry Messages For Boyfriend

There’s nowhere in the world that a perfect relationship exists. Same for romeo and juliet, our icons of passion and romance. Theirs was a turbulent relationship that saw frequent oppositions from their individual, irate families. While there is no narration of the couple quarrelling with each other, you can imagine the tough times they went through for their love, rendering it less than perfect in the ideal definition of perfect.


Then, why are we so taken by this famous shakespearean story of love? Because romeo and juliet stuck with each other until death. Amidst heartbreaking situations. Your relationship with your boyfriend can’t be idyllic at all times – misunderstandings and offences are bound to arise between you guys. But the bigger picture is your commitment to each other. If you are the offending party, you must murder your ego, own up your wrong and apologize to your boyfriend. Perhaps, you are in a situation right now where you need the best words to convey your “I’m sorry” to your boyfriend. The sorry messages for boyfriend below will help you a lot:

Sorry Messages For Your Boyfriend

Sorry Messages For Your Boyfriend

1: Babe, I’m truly sorry for raising my voice on you this morning. I have no reason whatsoever to justify my action. Please, forgive me and let’s be happy again.

2: If I can count how often you’ve shown me kindness, I will lose my breath in the process. But what have I repaid you with? Nothing but trouble and fault finding. I know it hurts and I deserve to be punished but I request you to pardon me, baby. I’ve made up my mind to so you good and not cause you pain anymore.

3: Even though I was convinced that I was telling you the truth, I shouldn’t have called you despicable names. It tears me apart to see you in agony; I am so sorry. Kindly forgive me, honey. I won’t ever repeat such an attitude.

4: Your happiness is mine. Likewise your peace. For causing you sleepless nights and sad days, I am deeply sorry. You may not forgive me completely, but that’s okay. If you can just find it in your heart for a small drop of forgiveness for me, I will be grateful to you.

5: Bae, we have had a smooth relationship up until now. Though this is our first heated argument, we took it farther than expected. All because of my impatience. I really am sorry for the messy fight we had. I know you said it’s alright, but I can’t be at rest if I don’t write to you that I regret my actions.

6: You are my pride, my honor. It is beneath me to put you down before your friends and for that, I humbly apologize. I have learned from my mistakes. I swear never to hurt you that way or in any other way related to that.

7: If anyone had told me that we would quarrel today out of my carelessness, I would never have believed it. But the reality dawned rudely on me; I also spoke rude words to you. I’m sorry, darling. Forgive me, please.

Sweet Sorry Messages For Your Boyfriend

Sweet Sorry Messages For Your Boyfriend

8: It isn’t in my nature to let issues slide off. That’s why I am tendering these words of apology to you, sweetheart. I know I messed up; I am remorseful. Pardon me.

9: Honey, I didn’t mean to be ungrateful to you. I don’t know what came over me. I am sorry.

10: It takes a will of steel to forgive an offence like mine. I can’t be too sure about your decision but I plead with you to have mercy and forgive me.

11: You can’t see my face and the emotions displayed on it, only my words can tell you the depth of my remorse. I’m very sorry for lying to you. I shouldn’t have, baby. You didn’t deserve to be lied to. Forgive me.

12: It’s better for me to hide my face from the sun for the rest of my life than to look into your sad eyes. I can’t tell which part of my words got you angry, and I don’t care to know. I’m sorry; all I am after is for you to smile at me as you used to.

13: If hugs were water, I would have drowned you with mine. If kisses were perfume, I would have covered your entire body with mine. Anything for you, baby, as long as you’ll be happy for me.

14: It isn’t about how big our fight was but how big our love is. I’m sorry for everything that went wrong between us. Please, forgive me.


15: I regret ever telling you that I am done with our relationship in a fit of anger. The truth is that I never meant it; I still love you. I’m sorry for hurting you that way.

16: I hate to admit this but I find it difficult to sleep anytime I do you wrong. Unless I apologize to you, the night will torture me. I am ashamed of my actions, darling. Forgive me.

Heart Touching Sorry Messages For Your Boyfriend

Heart Touching Sorry Messages For Your Boyfriend

17: Heaven will not pardon me if I carry on like nothing upsetting happened between us. That said, I deeply regret using the F word on you. It isn’t proper and does little to show my affection for you. Forgive me.

18: Light shines best in darkness. Love is most pure in forgiveness. I’m sorry, dearest.

19: It means nothing to trace back on who was or wasn’t wrong between us. I am sorry in the role I played in our quarrel, and ask that you forgive me from your heart.

20: Without you, I feel empty. It has been weeks since I last heard your voice, yet it feels as if it has been years. Show me mercy and pardon me for cheating on you. I’m ashamed of myself.

21: You loved me unconditionally but I took you for granted. Heaven will be furious with me if I refuse to ask for your forgiveness. I’m sorry; forgive me.

22: In the end, what’s more important is our relationship. I want us to be at peace with each other and not be enemies. I am sorry. I ask for your forgiveness in all the ways I have wronged you.

23: I’m sorry for switching off the TV in the middle of an interesting program. It was an act of mischief that shouldn’t have taken place at that time.

24: Angel, I am deeply sorry for raising my hand in an attempt to slap you. It hurts me to think that I would have inflicted you with such pain. Forgive me.

Deep Sorry Messages For Boyfriend

Deep Sorry Messages For Him

25: I’m still unhappy for walking out on you instead of patiently listening to what you had to say. I repent of my wrongdoing and ask for your mercy.

26: You are a sweet soul who deserves to be treated right. I am so foolish to have tricked you into parting with your hard-earned money. If you can’t forgive me, I will rest in the happiness that you read my message.

27: Our communication has been strained for quite some time, and I am not happy about it. It is not your fault but mine; I failed to acknowledge that I erred. I’m sorry, hon’. Forgive me.

28: I need you to explore the beauty of a new day. But you are distancing yourself from me because I refused your kiss. I’m sorry for such a thoughtless act. I promise to take the initiative to kiss you every single day for 30 days.

29: I’m sorry, love. Find it in your heart to forgive me for believing the false rumors against you.

30: The house feels haunted without your lively presence. I sent you away in my hot temper; how stupid of me! I’m sorry, bae. Come home, please.

Romantic Sorry Messages For Boyfriend

Romantic Sorry Messages For Boyfriend

31: Good men like you are rare. These past days without hearing your voice have been nothing but miserable to me. I don’t mind kneeling down outside your door for the whole day just to win back your affection. Mine, I’m really, really sorry.

32: I don’t claim to be a saint for I am not better than the worst sinner on earth. I am sorry for cheating on you, honey. If it is possible to undo my sin against you, I will take the chance. Have mercy on me. Blame me all you can, but forgive me, please.

33: The harder I try to justify my wrong, the more I find the reasons why I should fall on my face before you. Sunshine, I am sorry. Don’t count the timing of my apology; only consider my remorsefulness.

34: I deserve to be smacked on my head for traveling without informing you on time. I’m sorry, my treasure. That shall be the last time I will make such a mistake.


Written by Antonio Webb

Dreamer, thinker and writer who is still exploring the nuances of being a human in this world. When not writing or sleeping I keep myself busy in the aromas of the ingredients that I like to cook up for a delicious meal.