Love Messages For Boyfriend — Heart Touching, Emotional & Deep
Emotional Love Messages for Boyfriend

Emotional Love Messages for Boyfriend

If your boyfriend is one who acts macho, talks macho and loves as hard as his tough looks, then, you are one of the many women who fell in love with a typical alpha male. You must have noticed that he showers you with all the love and care you never imagined possible, but doesn’t appear to have any need for romantic messages from you. Girl, the truth is that your sweet boyfriend does imagine receiving love messages from you to be reassured of your love for him. He may not want to tell you about it so as not to sound girly. Therefore, take him by surprise by sending these love messages for boyfriend below to him, and then, get ready for his priceless reaction.


Love Messages For Boyfriend

Love Messages For Boyfriend

1: My heart belongs to you, babe. It is never going anywhere, never will be anywhere else.

2: I thank you for loving me for who I am, and not for what I am. I thank you for believing in my future, and not counting my past. In turn, I will love you with everything in me today, tomorrow, and until my heart ceases to beat.

3: My handsome prince, I admire the strength of your mind when the going becomes challenging. I adore your smiles which tell me that all will certainly be well, and when I need courage in times of helplessness, you show up with your hands and words of comfort.

4: I searched for the man who will complement me in all ways and found you. Ever since I allowed you into my life, it has been all bliss and no regrets.

5: Darling, you are my sunshine in the day and the lone star that dots my sky. I cherish you now and always.

6: Baby, if you want to have an idea on how much I love you, take a trip to the ocean. As far as it runs and as wide as it stretches, so does my love for you.

7: Permit me to say that you are not just a good gift to me from above but also the perfect one for me.

8: Flowers are beautiful to the sight but their tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. Not so for my love for you because it has come to stay.

9: The first day I met you marked the beginning of my journey into the world of happiness. I don’t think there’s any happiness that is as much as the one I have with you.

10: Never make me cry for your love, sweet, because you are all I have in this world.

11: The tender touch of your hand on my body sets it ablaze with passion. Honey, I am crazy about you.

12: I don’t care what becomes of our relationship in the future; all I care about is that I won’t ever bring myself to stop loving you.

13: My success story remains incomplete without mentioning the role you play in my life, baby. Your love and moral support at all times makes a whole lot of difference to me.

Heart Touching Love Messages For Boyfriend

Heart Touching Love Messages For Boyfriend

14: I dare to say that I can scale many hurdles and beat all odds just to see you happy. That’s how much you mean to me.

15: I will be there whenever you need me. Even when you don’t need me, I will be there for you, hon’.

16: As time flies swiftly, my admiration for you increases in leaps and bounds.

17: You stepped into my life and changed it for the best. I owe you my changed life.

18: I respect you for being a man of your words. That is why I believe you wholeheartedly when you say you love me.

19: Deep in my heart, I am convinced that you are the man for me; no other man will do.

20: I was at the brink of giving up on life before your love renewed my desire to live.

21: Darling, I realized of late that it takes a man like you to love a woman like me. Thanks to fate for bringing us together.

22: My future is bright with thoughts of you floating in my mind all day, everyday.

23: I don’t claim to be perfect, but my live for you is beyond perfect. It’s too precious to be thrown by the side, and too strong to be broken by life.

24: I am addicted to your kisses, baby. You can’t imagine how often in a day I crave for them.


25: Be rest assured that you’ve got a loyal heart in me. Nothing is ever going to change that.

26: I never knew I could love a man silly until I met you. I am now a helpless romantic, all thanks to you.

27: Dreams do come true for the girl in love with your kind of man.

Emotional Love Messages For Boyfriend

Emotional Love Messages For Boyfriend

28: If time permits, I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

29: You fill my heart’s garden with the unwavering scent of your affection. I am too deeply taken by you that I won’t be the same if you ever back out from loving me.

30: Nothing is more important to me as satisfying you with my body, heart and soul. That’s because I was born to love you.

31: Your commitment to me gives me reasons to intensify on the degree of my love for you. In short, you make me a lucky woman in the game of love.

32: Who would ever think that our friendship of a couple of months ago has evolved into a love affair with the strength from a million years ago?

33: Sugar, there’s no answer to why I love you because there is none. My heart chose to love you unconditionally and I am happy with that decision.

34: A lot of things have mattered to me in life but not as much as our relationship. Simply put, my happiness, my life, my sanity depend on our love. I won’t ever let you down.

35: The distance between us makes my heart break into pieces out of my longing for you. I can’t help missing you, honey.

36: The memories we have of our times together will form a vital part of my adventure in love.

37: I can’t trade my affection for you for the most costly treasure on earth. Its quality can’t be matched with anything that is, or that can be

38: I call you my dearest for you occupy every inch that marks my heart. I call you my sweetheart because yours is a heart of sweetness which has no space for bitterness. I call you my everything because truly, you are everything to me.

39: To be blessed is to have a boyfriend who is understanding and loving at the same time. Your kind is rare.

Deep Love Messages For Boyfriend

Deep Love Messages For Boyfriend

40: Boo, your generosity is out of this world. The way you meet my needs without waiting to be asked is simply mindblowing. I’m blessed to have you.

41: I woke up this day and, like in other days before it, raised my hands in gratitude for another opportunity to see your lovely face and be a part of your lovely day.

42: In you, I have everything worth fighting for and keeping.

43: Lucky me; I finally found a man who is into me as much as I am into him.

44: You don’t have to do anything else to impress me; your love for me has taken care of that.

45: People think I am crazy about you. They are yet to hit the kind of love I encountered in you.

46: No messy past of mine could stand in the way of your boundless love for me. You’ve earned my highest respect, my king.

47: If truly love is blind, then I am the blindest woman ever in the history of love relationships, just for you.

48: Thoughts of you which run through my mind hardly take notice of any difference between the day and the night. That’s how much your influence on me is.

49: Even before I am asked to choose again, I have already chosen you a hundred times more.

50: When I tell you that I love you, I mean that I am sold out to you. No leftover, no spare against the rainy day.

51: I am not a poet but the best I can do is to always remind you in my own little way that your presence in my life has made life a better place to be in.

52: For you, I can dance in the rain. For you, I can soar in the sky. For you, baby, I can sway side by side in glee even if old age threatens my hips. For you, I can go any length as long as I have breathe in me.

ALSO READ: Heart Touching Love Messages for Husband


Written by Antonio Webb

Dreamer, thinker and writer who is still exploring the nuances of being a human in this world. When not writing or sleeping I keep myself busy in the aromas of the ingredients that I like to cook up for a delicious meal.