Love Messages for Husband — Heart Touching, Emotional & Funny
Love Messages for Husband

Heart Touching Love Messages for Husband

Love is a beautiful experience when shared. It betters life, and gives marriage a deep meaning. If you desire to explore the sweetness of your union with your husband, it’s ideal that you show him daily, how much he means to you. And though you could be thinking that could be achieved mainly through gifts and erotic adventures, love messages can have same wow effect on your husband and even more. Therefore, take a chance on your husband today, and make his day unforgettable with any of the love messages below:


Love Messages For Husband

Love Messages For Husband

1: My appreciation goes to you, darling, for being the best husband I could ever ask for.

2: Babe, I always tell anyone who cares to listen that you are the one who found me when I had lost all hope of ever being in love. In other words, you are my miracle.

3: I don’t usually tell you this, but I hope that you accept it with all your heart: I love you, mine.

4: Time has tried and tested our love. The result, which is that we are still together happily hasn’t ceased to amaze many.

5: My adorable, I love you as passionately as a shepherdess will love her sheep for without you, I am out of relevance.

6: How did I end up with an amazing man like you? It will remain a wonder to me forever.

7: Angel, in spite of my flaws, you love me as if your life depends on it. Through the years, I have come to realize that you chose to love me the way you do because you have nothing but love to give.

8: It’s your love that I breathe. It’s for you that I live. I didn’t know that someday, you will come to mean this much to me.

9: My love, time may have chosen to fly without wings but I have decided to love you till death do us part. That’s my solemn promise to you.

10: Even a crowd of people can’t hide you from me successfully because my heart guides me to who it beats for.

11: My all is for you for you are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Heart Touching Love Messages For Husband

Heart Touching Love Messages For Husband

12: For us to feel the sunshine, there had to be an outpouring of the sunlight. For me to daily celebrate my exalted womanhood, there has to be you, my husband.

13: Darling, have you ever wondered why I am so smitten by you? The answer is nothing else but your flawless handsomeness.

14: The shortest time I had spent without you feels like a ride on an immobile horse. You now can understand better when I say I miss you.

15: There’s no argument on this fact that you are my happily ever after, just as the fairy tale stories say it.

16: The joy of your company lends companionship its glorious meaning. Honey, I am blessed to be your wife.

17: You are a precious husband to me, a great father to our kids, and the ideal friend to all of us. I will forever love you.

18: Babe, nothing on earth compares to the warmth of your embrace. It is always a glimpse of heaven in your arms.

Romantic Love Messages For Husband

Romantic Love Messages For Husband

19: The earth doesn’t beg for rain unless it’s drought time. Likewise, my expression of love to you wouldn’t have been if you weren’t the loving husband you are.

20: Kissing your lips every morning is one of the best benefits of staying married to you.

21: Some years ago, I gave you my life to hold and to cherish. So far, you’ve done a good job by not making me regret my decision.

22: Thank you for loving me so dearly as a king loves his queen. Thank you for the rare opportunity to experience what it feels to be love and be loved.

23: I had a dream as a little girl, to be swept off my feet by my knight in shining armor. I’m glad that I didn’t have to first kiss a frog before you showed up and made my dream come to pass.

24: Thoughts of you are refreshing as refreshing as the dews of the morning after a long walk through the desert.

25: I want to thank you, darling, for my friendship with you has added value to my life as your wife and the mother of our children.


26: You are the only man who honored me with a gold ring for a lifetime commitment in marriage. That’s why you’ll remain my one and only love.

27: It’s so cool and thrilling waiting for you everyday to walk into my arms from the door. If marriage tastes this way, I would marry you over and again.

28: Safety is having my body glued to yours. Security is counting on your morale-boosting words. Sweetness is having your shoulders to lean on when trouble hovers over me.

29: Is it possible for a man to keep the vows he made to his wife on the altar? Yes, it is. Do I know one of the men who have achieved that? Yes; you!

30: Our marriage bears with it love, peace, loyalty and respect. And it’s worthy of note that your own contribution made it 90% possible.

31: The possibility of falling out of love with you is 0.00000001%. By implication, that is fatally impossible.

Emotional Message For Husband

Emotional Message For Husband

32: Bae, I live my life everyday with joy. That’s what the assurance of your love does to me.

33: I can never have enough of you. The more I try resisting the longing, the more reasons I see to have just one more bite.

34: You are a king with a difference. If I had much wealth at my disposal, your waking up would have been heralds with beautiful renditions from live orchestras.

35: To doubt your love for me is to deny the existence of God. That, to me, is utter foolishness.

36: I am not just lucky but also the luckiest woman to wife the sexiest man alive.

37: A typical day for me begins with a cuddly hug from you and ends with your good night kiss in bed.

38: No true test of love spares a couple’s resolve to stay together. Our union is a testimony that love conquers all.

39: I will willingly let go of my time, my money, and my strength just to make you a happy husband. You’ve sacrificed lots more for me.

40: With you, I have peace. Let the entire world be thrown into chaos, since I have you, I am at rest.

41: The easiest task to perform in my union with you is submitting to you, all thanks to your selfless love for me.

42: Life gave me what I asked for in you. Love made it possible.

43: You can count on my support for you through thick and thin. That’s my little way of showing how much you mean to me.

44: Your loving is my motivation. I am sure that if I were married to someone else, I wouldn’t have become this grown, fulfilled and accepting of myself.

45: Thank you, dearest, for seeing my flaws as perfections unique to my personality. What can I do without you?

Funny Love Messages For Husband

Funny Love Messages For Husband

46: I love it when, while whispering sweet nothings into my ears, you plant your hands on my waist from behind.

47: I can never forget the day you confessed your love for me. The angels in heaven actually broke into singing at that delightful experience.

48: I cross my heart and bite my lips that I will adore you as long as I live. That’s if you can do likewise for me (tongue out).

49: Trouble started when my heart found you. Nothing could assuage it until the day my mouth replied you, “I do.”

50: If the number of times I have told you, “I love you” in the past three years can be converted to money, I can guarantee you that you would be a multimillionaire by now.

51: Certainly, there is a universal line drawn to distinguish boys from men. With your commitment to family life, I can boldly say that I married a man.

52: It’s terrific how I met and fell in love with someone who I never thought could be my husband someday. Fate is one helluva surprising fellow.

53: There is no other person that gets to me the way you do. You’ve earned for yourself this title, “my wife’s dysfunctional button”. But it’s all for good, anyway.

54: Priceless, if I hadn’t married you, having these beautiful kids would have been a blessing only imagined in my mind.

55: I stopped worrying about things I don’t have when it dawned on me that building a family with you is a wondrous gift I never merited.

ALSO READ: Emotional Love Messages for Boyfriend


Written by Antonio Webb

Dreamer, thinker and writer who is still exploring the nuances of being a human in this world. When not writing or sleeping I keep myself busy in the aromas of the ingredients that I like to cook up for a delicious meal.