Most Powerful Prayers For Boyfriend - HacksTrive
Most Powerful Prayers For Boyfriend

Most Powerful Prayers For Boyfriend

When you are your boyfriend’s playmate, it is often viewed as a sign of a great relationship. Also, it shows that yours is a relationship that will survive against the odds since you both can relate freely and happily with each other. But there are times when it takes more than playing and romance with your boyfriend to enjoy a successful relationship with him. That’s where your prayers for him become important. Therefore, if you want to maintain or take your loving relationship to the level where divinity is involved in your all your affairs, it’s time you give yourself over to saying prayers, especially for your boyfriend. For once it is well with him, it is also well with you.

Prayers For My Boyfriend

Prayers For My Boyfriend

1: In the name of Jesus Christ, I decree this day that my boyfriend shall encounter success in all he will do today. He hereby, receives appointments that will benefit him, and rejects every disappointment that will cause his downfall. Amen.

2: Father, I commit my boyfriend into your able hand. May you preserve him in all his ways and shield him from every schemes of the wicked against his life. Amen.

3: Today, I declare upon my boyfriend’s life that he has obtained the grace for unlimited breakthrough in his career and business. I speak over him that he is blessed and lifted above demotion. Amen.

4: Lord, make my boyfriend a living proof of your mercy. May you be his defence in the presence of his enemies. Cause him to have testimonies that will astonish everyone who thought You’ve abandoned him. Amen.

5: Father, frustrate every plan of the wicked to bring enmity between me and my boyfriend. I pray for your peace to rest upon our lives. Also, spur us to deal lovingly with each other and not to dwell on our faults in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

6: Dear Lord, I glorify You for all the wonderful blessings You’ve showered upon my boyfriend. With a grateful heart, I say, “Thank You, Father.” I pray that the good works which You’ve started in his life remain permanent. Amen.

7: Jehovah, by faith, I declare that my boyfriend is healed. The disease in his body is a foreigner. That means, it isn’t a part of him and so, I join my faith with his to banish it from his body in Jesus’ powerful Name. Amen.

8: Lord, as my boyfriend sets out for his workplace, may Your angels order his steps every step of the way. I decree that he will not be a victim of circumstances. Rather, he is an overcomer all the days of his life. Amen.

9: My Father, raise helpers for my boyfriend because his trust is in You. Put it in the mind of men and women who he will meet today to favor him. Amen.

10: In Jesus’ Name, I bless my boyfriend that he will be the head and not the tail. He shall be on the top and not beneath. In addition, he will be highly favored and never disgraced. Amen.

11: My ever-faithful Father, I come to You humbly with the request that you honor my boyfriend with a promotion at his workplace. I believe that this is his season to be lifted up; nothing shall tamper with it. Amen.

Prayers For My Boyfriend’s Success

Prayers For My Boyfriend’s Success

12: Father, in the greatness of Your authority over our lives, may my boyfriend experience divine breakthrough in his business. Open unto him the doors of uncountable blessings which no man can shut. Whatever problem that has defied any solution in his line of business is arrested and solved now, in Jesus’ mighty Name. Amen.

13: Father, I take authority in Your supreme name to break every yoke of stagnation in the life of my boyfriend. Instead of delays, unprecedented progress shall be his portion. Amen.

14: Father, You are the one who promises and never fails to deliver. Concerning my boyfriend’s success, You gave him Your word that You’ll prosper him. So, Lord, bring to pass Your word; may it not linger lest we lose hope. I know that You’ve heard and answered us. Amen.

15: Father, render useless the plans of workplace enemies against my boyfriend. May you silence every accuser of his success, and make blind every eye that monitors his progress for evil in Jesus’ matchless Name. Amen.

16: Holy Spirit of the Living God, You are our Helper and Guide. Provide the needed help and guidance to my lovely boyfriend in all his endeavors today. Be the unseen promoter of his business, the reliable revealer of all secrets to him, and the unfailing companion in times of loneliness. Amen.

17: Dear Jesus, surround my boyfriend with Your glory as he goes out to make exploits. Also, deliver him from the snares of failure and destruction. May the miracle of multiplicity of harvest in his life be a testimony that You are with him. Amen.

18: Lord, in Your power, arise and put an end to the workings of my boyfriend’s oppressors in his school. Whether they come as sadistic lecturers or as hard courses, may You weaken them and disappoint their source of wickedness. Amen.

19: My King, You rule in the affairs of my beloved boyfriend and know everything that concerns him. It isn’t a hidden information to You that he is preparing for an exam that will determine his continuation in his field of study. Prove yourself as the Giver of every good gift, Lord. Grant him a retentive memory, and may Your Holy Spirit lead him to question areas during his study time, and remind him of all that he has read in the examination hall. I thank You because he is coming out of that exam in flying colors. Amen.

20: Merciful God, I thank You for how You have not relented in expressing how compassionate You are in spite of all our shortcomings. Right every wrong in my boyfriend’s business, heal his finances, and announce him to the world for good. May nothing withhold him from rising and shining this season, to the surprise of naysayers and to the glory of Your holy Name. Amen.

Prayers For My Boyfriend For Strength

Prayers For My Boyfriend For Strength

21: Lord, I proclaim this day, that my boyfriend has received the strength to do exploits in Your Name. He is ready to conquer his world to be the champion among his contemporaries, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

22: O! Lord, You are our Helper from ages past, our Defender, and the one who upholds us with His right hand of righteousness. This morning, I call upon You to keep my boyfriend richly submerged in the ocean of strength for our relationship. In times when it appears as though he wants to give up for one reason or the other, remind him of countless reasons why he shouldn’t give up on our blissful journey together. Amen.

23: Dear God, You are my boyfriend’s source of strength in times of weakness. The nature of his job is physically and emotionally drying, so I ask that You refill him with great strength ever before he runs out of it. From today on, let there be a significant difference in his level of strength before and after this prayer was made. Amen.

24: Father, You declared in Your word that You’ll renew our strength like the eagle’s. It is in that word that I stand to speak renewed strength and the zeal to live in my boyfriend. I destroy every spirit of hopelessness that brings about weakness in him. Amen.

Prayers For My Boyfriend’s Safety

Prayers For My Boyfriend’s Safety

25: Good Lord, I bless Your Name for the life You’ve given my boyfriend. As he prepares to travel today, may You take control of the physical and spiritual activities of the highway. May the grace for smooth journey be made manifest in his life. At last, only Your name will be glorified. Amen.

26: Jehovah Nissi, take over the affairs in the air as my dear boyfriend embarks on this business trip by air. Grant him safety, as well as to those who he will be traveling with. Amen.

27: Father, assign Your angels to guard my boyfriend in his going out and coming in. May the wonder of Your protection be his portion in all he does. Amen.

28: Safety comes from You, Lord. Even in all that he has planned to achieve today, if You don’t grant him safety, none of them will come to pass. Please, keep him secure to actualize every of his plans in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

29: Your faithfulness is new every morning, Lord. May it be expressed today as You remove every obstacle of harm and destruction from my boyfriend’s path. Amen.

30: Father, I thank You for Your exceptional love for me and for my boyfriend. We have enjoyed Your awesome safety in time past. Based on that, I ask today for Your safety for my boyfriend. Honor him with Your unfailing protection as he goes out and comes in today. Amen.

ALSO READ: Powerful Prayers for Husband

Written by Cristina Mari Arreola

Cristina Mari Arreola is the Senior Books Editor at Hackstrive, where she writes about literary fiction, nonfiction, young adult novels, romance novels,