Broken Heart Messages - Emotional , Husband & Inspirational
Most Touching Broken Heart Messages

Most Touching Heart Broken Messages

When you love someone that doesn’t care about your existence, treats you badly, or has departed this world, it results to a broken heart, aka heartbreak. To love someone is to be vulnerable, to more or less lay open yourself to be hurt. That is why it is painful when the heart gets broken. In order to ease the grief from a broken heart, you need to, amongst other solutions, let flow your feelings in words. In line with that, we have created these deep broken heart messages that will serve as a pacifier in your journey towards healing. Our thoughts are with you.

Broken Heart Messages

Broken Heart Messages

1: I go to bed not knowing what hope is there for me when I wake up. It is my life that is gradually falling into crumbles, yet, I demand for a reason why you left me to mourn by myself. You said you loved me, baby; what went wrong with your promises of ever after with me. I need answers, please. I don’t think that I deserve to be hurt this way.

2: All these while, I thought that we were getting along well. Indeed, I had the assurance that our lives had finally come to depend on each other’s. Little did I know you had some other plans. How did I wrong you, my dear? I gave you my all to make you a happy man. Perhaps, I trusted you for your charisma, believing that you would be different from those in my past. Anyway, I admit my foolishness. I hope your life is fulfilled wherever you are.

3: Funny how life can be: yesterday was fantastic and liveable whereas today has taken a contrasting look. Of a truth, it hit me unexpectedly that we have lost the love we once enjoyed and the peace that surpassed the cruelty of our stormy times. What can I do to take us back to yesterday? It will be a pleasure to laugh again with you.

4: Our last kiss was for the goodbye which you had in mind all along. You could have warned me, baby. At least, that would have prepared me for the shock of my life. I don’t know how I will cope without you; it feels as though you took my joy of existence with you. Do I have to wait till that Resurrection morning to see you, to be happy once again?

5: To me, the skies have lost their radiance. Nothing is as appealing as it used to be when we were together. But I guess life happens, carefully displaying its inconsistent ups and downs. I am sure that if I linger in this place of hope, my miracle will come. I want to really live, darling.

Broken Heart Personal Messages

Broken Heart Personal Messages

6: At first, I was reluctant to agree that I had fallen for you. You gave me the chase, and I dodged all I like. Now you are gone, a part of me is gone too. I wished I can go back in time, and never hesitate to tell you that I love you with everything in me.

7: I wore a pair of shoes and how lovely they looked on my feet. Step by step, I walked to the road, confident that my steps are alright. But suddenly, the heels gave way. Before I could catch myself from falling, I am sprawled on the tarmac. That’s how disappointing your love is. I wished I never built my confidence around your promises for my honor could have still been intact.

8: The days merge into weeks and I haven’t heard from you yet. If you know how restless I am waiting for your call, you would hurriedly make my wish come true. It’s all in vain, I know, to keep hoping for another man’s woman. But then, should I call to hear your voice once more, even though you’ve asked me to wait for yours?

9: If I were told that I would survive the day you left me, that would have amounted to the biggest of all lies. I am only left with the memories of you, anyway, even though I pray not to take you back if we ever meet again.

10: Thank you for abandoning me when I needed you the most for I never knew I was playing the fool to you.

11: Thank you for leaving me high and dry when I thought we were heading somewhere because now I am sure that we were never meant to be. Goodbye.

Emotional Broken Heart Messages

12: Words fail me to vent my anger to my satisfaction. I am angry that though we have broken up, I am still in love with you. I am angry because it is difficult to hate you for rejecting my love for you. Can you give me just a little chance to show you how much you mean to me? Please?

13: What time can’t heal remains an open wound. What my tears can’t change in you, I doubt my blood can. It’s best I leave you so that I can breathe again.

14: It is worthy of note that you were my best friend who stood by me through the thick and thin. I pray that we find ways to make amends following your betrayal of me. It’s painful that I had to experience such as orchestrated by you. But I miss you.

15: The sunshine is drying rather than comforting. The snows are cold instead of festive. I am exiting through the path I came, and no adjective is weighty enough to describe the brokenness you caused me. Take care of you.

16: In the night when all is dark and quiet, I cry. In the day when all is bright and noisy, I mourn. All for you and the heart you shattered into unrecognizable fragments.

17: Shine all you can but it won’t be close to the brightness of our love. I need you in my life to be a complete person and to add meaning to your life.

Broken Heart Messages For Husband

Broken Heart Messages For Husband

18: Our first date materialized into an intense love affair. I can recall how you held me tenderly to whisper adorable words into my ears. But that feels like centuries ago. You no longer care about me though I make great efforts to be noticed. I am dying slowly, sweet. The earlier you return to the man I married, the better my mental stability.

19: I am so sorry for loving you like my life depended on it. I wished I knew how dangerous it was to pour out my heart to you right from the start. However, the deed has been done. I carry on proudly because you are your problem.

20: Never neglect the home that sheltered you from the rains and my arms that provided you with unconditional comfort. It isn’t a warning but my heartfelt plea for you not to forget the home and wife of your youth.

21: Everything we’ve built for years has been flushed in the drains as quickly as it was unanticipated. I don’t blame you, and won’t blame myself either for a marriage lost. All the same, I wish you a lot more happy life.

22: It is hard to stay married to you after all you’ve put me through. For the sake of our kids, I will overlook your shortcomings believing that you will find it in your heart to tender your apologies to me.

23: At first thought, I concluded that it was a mistake. It repeated itself, however, and I know better than to make silky excuses for you. Believe me when I say that even the devil is disappointed with your obsessive lying. I feel so unreasonable that I built house of cards with you.

24: Hate me all you want, but I won’t cease from telling the whole world how you broke my heart by cheating on me with my bosom friend. Even if you wanted to hurt me by cheating, need you go to that length of stabbing me on my back?

Inspirational Messages For A Broken Heart

25: There’s a blessing attached to disappointments although it comes when much tears have been shed.

26: A broken heart can give birth to a resilient spirit. All in all, my best days are still ahead.

27: I don’t have to beg you to be my lover. As much as it hurts that we can’t be together, it’s a relief that I am not with the wrong person for me.

28: Time appears to run slowly when there is no lover to spend it with. However, I draw my consolation from the fact that it won’t be long before I’ll meet the one who will love me for who I am.

29: I appreciate that you broke up with me. I wouldn’t have known that I have an incredible amount of strength lying in me, the strength to survive and live again.

30: It hurts to think that everything we built together has crumbled. The memories we made now feel like ghosts haunting me, reminding me of everything we’ve lost. My heart is shattered, and I don’t know how to move forward. I thought our love was unbreakable, but now all I have are broken pieces of what could have been.

31: I never thought losing you would hurt this much. Every time I close my eyes, I see the moments we shared, the love we had, and it breaks my heart all over again. I keep hoping that this is just a bad dream, but I know it’s not. The reality of losing you is unbearable, and I don’t know how to make this pain go away.

32: I feel like I’m drowning in sadness, and no matter how hard I try, I can’t come up for air. Everything reminds me of you, and the more I try to forget, the more I miss you. My heart feels heavy, and the emptiness you’ve left behind is too much to bear. I never thought losing you would feel like this.

33: It’s strange how everything can feel so wrong without you here. I keep thinking about all the little things—the way you laughed, the way you held me—and it breaks me. I wish I could go back to when things were good, to when we were happy. But now, all I have are these memories, and they hurt more than they heal.

34: There’s a part of me that’s still waiting for you to come back, even though I know you won’t. I can’t seem to let go of the hope that maybe one day we’ll find our way back to each other. But deep down, I know things will never be the same. My heart is broken, and I don’t know how to pick up the pieces.

35: I never imagined I could feel so empty inside. It’s like a part of me is missing, and no matter what I do, I can’t seem to find it. My heart aches in ways I can’t explain, and the thought of moving on without you feels impossible. We had so many dreams, so many plans, and now they’re all just memories. I’m trying to be strong, but I feel so weak without you

Written by Antonio Webb

Dreamer, thinker and writer who is still exploring the nuances of being a human in this world. When not writing or sleeping I keep myself busy in the aromas of the ingredients that I like to cook up for a delicious meal.