Retirement Wishes For Boss — Farewell, Inspirational & Funny
Heartfelt Retirement Wishes For Boss

Heartfelt Retirement Wishes For Boss

Retirement from active service is considered an honor and a rare privilege. This is so because it isn’t everyone that is lucky to dedicate ten, twenty or thirty years working for an organization and lives to exit meritoriously from work. For that reason, retirement wishes are appropriate for any man or woman retiring, your boss included. We all know that some bosses are darlings and so, the retirement wishes for boss below will serve the purpose of adequately expressing your heartfelt prayers and desire for him/her.

Retirement Wishes For Boss

Retirement Wishes For Boss

1: Finally, the day has come for you to bow out from this company after many years as my boss. In my heart of hearts, I would have wanted you to stay some more but then, you deserve your retirement. Live long, boss. Happy retirement.

2: I hate to say this, but I will miss you so much, boss. I have become so used to your presence here in the office that it feels as though you are leaving with a part of me. All the same, I wish you a safe retirement. 

3: If it were possible to turn back the hands of time, our beginning together as supervisor and supervisee would be smoother and tolerable than it was. But then, the past can’t be erased. I’m glad we eventually worked amicably together before your retirement. Joyous retirement, boss.

4: Time will fail me to state in details, how proud I am to have worked under you. Truly, if there is any boss more selfless than you, I am yet to meet or hear about that person. Also, your humility changed my perception on effective leadership. Thank you for all you’ve been to me; enjoy a wonderful retirement, boss.

5: From the depth of my heart, I wish you a great retirement celebration, boss. You really earned it.

6: When people like you are going on retirement, it feels as though the world is coming to an end. Saying goodbye to you is saddening, but it is a deed that has to be done. Happy retirement, boss.

7: Boss, I want to believe that we will be fine without your jovial presence in our department. Even the mere thinking of your retirement brings goose pimples on my skin because things won’t be the same without you here. Happy retirement, sir. I miss you.

8: Throughout the years you devoted in helping me to develop the skills that were latent in me, it never occurred to me that your retirement season was drawing near. Now that you are about to go on retirement, I am here wishing that I had known you earlier. That’s how much I appreciate all you’ve done for me, madam. Happy retirement.

Farewell Retirement Wishes For Boss

Farewell Retirement Wishes For Boss

9: Boss, you came, you saw challenges, you contributed in lifting your colleagues to top positions, and you conquered by retiring in life. Above all, you impacted lives. May your retirement bring you rest, freedom, and a lifetime of celebration.

10: Today, I have the golden opportunity to write to you as my boss, mentor, and role model. When I take my memory back to the times you labored tirelessly to see to the smooth running of this company, gratitude wells up in me. Without mincing words, you are an epitome of servant-leadership and a trustworthy fellow. As you are about to retire, may it be so in health and vitality. 

11: Trust time to fly past mindlessly, not caring about its effect on the relationship we share. Since your retirement can’t be helped, I will leave you with the following words: I am grateful for the love and care you showed me while discharging your duties efficiently as boss. You can’t be forgotten. Safe retirement, sir.

12: Of all the men and women I have had the privilege to work under, you stand out as the only one who cared to know me on a personal level. It is painful that you’ll have to go within a short time of meeting you. But I am happy that our paths crossed. I wish you a wonderful retirement, boss.

Heartfelt Retirement Wishes For Boss

Heartfelt Retirement Wishes For Boss

13: Boss, count yourself blessed to be among the living to witness your retirement. Sincerely, it is a period in my life I look forward to be a partaker of. Happy retirement.

14: Thank you for all the times you never gave up on me, boss. I appreciate your concern for my flaws and the double effort you made to ensure that I became a productive worker. I am convinced that not every boss has your kind of patience. Happy retirement, ma’am.

15: I respect the strength in you and do acknowledge that you are a tireless being. In all of those, you never looked down on any of your subordinates because you were better. I wish to have another of your kind as your replacement. Happy retirement, boss.

16: I consider it an honor to have learned under you, sir. Whatever I am today came as a result of your immeasurable sacrifices on my behalf. Happy retirement; I celebrate you.

17: If not told, nobody will believe that you have been the leader of a workforce consisting hundreds of personnel. Also, your nonabrasive style of leadership has endeared you to many. On the occasion of your retirement today, I pray that you experience a wealth of favor, health, and wellness through the years ahead.

Inspirational Retirement Wishes For Boss

Inspirational Retirement Wishes For Boss

18: Life is in stages and phases. Your retirement has come this day to signify the end of your corporate working days. Needless to say, it is an achievement worth celebrating. Happy retirement, boss.

19: The measure of a fulfilled life isn’t in the number of years lived but in the quality of one’s influence on lives. In all standards, yours was a fulfilled work life because you impacted priceless virtues into us. Happy retirement.

20: Words do little to capture the heart of your personality, boss. At times, I wonder how you manage to add grace to dutifulness to get work done. It goes to show that you are always in control of your actions, and not the other way round. Happy retirement, boss.

21: Boss, I have many things to say to you but I will rather be as brief as possible. Sir, if I had half of your sterling qualities, I would be 100% a better individual. You are too good a person. It would have been nice if you have more years to stay with us as our boss. 

22: You don’t have to worry about the years ahead after your retirement because they are already pleasurable for your use. Happy retirement, boss.

23: The little things you did such as complimenting my new hairstyle and thanking me for bringing you a cup of coffee meant a lot to me. They may not be much of a big deal to you, but to me, they are worth appreciating you for. Gracious retirement, boss.

24: You are a happy man, full of life and gentility personified. I have nothing but immense gratitude for the opportunity to call you my boss. Happy retirement.

25: Dear boss, you modeled uprightness and discipline to us. The only way we can repay you for all you’ve done for us is by keeping on the path you led us to. Enjoy your retirement.

Funny Retirement Wishes For Boss

Funny Retirement Wishes For Boss

26: Just at the point when I was beginning to get adjusted to your style of leadership, your retirement was announced. How am I going to unlearn all that I have learned from you to make way for another boss? This is too emotional for me, boss. Happy retirement, anyway.

27: Boss, I wonder why you have to be retired so early in your lifetime. It isn’t even as if you are old or sickly. Why will you want to go and leave us missing you badly?

28: It is incredible how the years went by and the next news reaching my ears is on your retirement. I must admit it is such a bad news, boss because I don’t want you to go.

29: It is amazing how I became used to your stringent work procedures when I thought you were simply impossible. Your retirement has made me realize that strict bosses don’t stay forever; they have to go someday. Happy retirement, boss.

30: Isn’t it funny how I am suddenly missing you now you are about going, something I never felt all the times we worked together? I think it’s just dawning on me that I fell in love with you, boss.

31: Your retirement is going to be a huge loss to all of us in this office but an answered prayer to you. Happy retirement, sir.

32: Boss, I want to thank you for teaching me how to take everyday, one step at a time. It has helped my heart condition. God’s blessings on your retirement.

ALSO READ: Beautiful Thank You Messages for Boss

Written by Antonio Webb

Dreamer, thinker and writer who is still exploring the nuances of being a human in this world. When not writing or sleeping I keep myself busy in the aromas of the ingredients that I like to cook up for a delicious meal.